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The following are interviews from some of James and Fannye's children, as well as close friends.  They give great insight to the history of the Walker Family, the town of Raymond and the Church.  We urge you to take some time and read each and every one.

Harris, Fay, Beth 
and Mary

Beth and Mary





(page 1)
| (page 2) | (page 3) | (page 4) | (page 5)

Robert Cowie Walker Story

Bishop Murry Holt

Reed Ellison


The Grandkids' Memories
Ron McMullin

WALKER, JAMES H. married "Fannye" Mary Elizabeth Ann Harris.  Their children are:  James Harris, Beth, Fay Harris, Floyd Harris, Lloyd Harris, Mary, Jane, Robert Harris, Ralph Harris, Reed Harris, Glen Harris, and Richard Harris.  Mr. Walker came to Raymond in the 1900's from Coleville, Utah, with his Uncle John Salmon to see the country and work on a farm.  He attended L.D.S. University in Salt Lake City.  He was a farmer and rancher on a large scale -- 

Walker Family1 Walker Family 2
Walker Family 3 Walker Family 4

This news clipping comes from http://ahdp.lib.ucalgary.ca/loc_hist/lh_page.asp?goto=lj1a0674
Does anyone have the original of this picture??? If so, please send it to me!!!

Here are some interesting pieces of trivia about the Walker Family:

Walker Family Trivia - 2000

Walker Family Trivia - 1999

Walker Family Trivia - 1998


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